Monday, August 25, 2008

Hello World...

Well... here we are.

After a long, hard-fought battle, with all of those around us falling victim to html edits, widgets, and "custom designed" websites, we too have fallen into the perils of the 'blogger nation'.

I often exercise the addage "under-promise, over-deliver". Diana & I believe, in the case of this blog, these words will ring true -- at least the first half of the phrase. As a reader, you should not expect much in terms of fancy, insightful, life-wise, or even routinely updated. No. As a reader, this blog will work best if we, as authors, do a good job up front of setting the expectations as low as humanly possible. Sure, there will be some good moments - some funny stories, some emotional ones, and then some that you wish we would have just kept to ourselves and not shared with the whole world, but such is life. If you're really reading this blog for motivation or inspiration to carry on throughout your day, then allow me to direct your attention to this poster.

Point is, you'll see some good pictures, cool links, and overall fun stuff on this blog. We hope you enjoy, and remember... don't expect so much. ~Jason


Mir's Mission said...

What a cute page! I am SO impressed! Now if I could only get you guys on the Facebook...:-)

Shelby and Darby said...

Yeah! can't wait to see more pics:)

Lizze said...

I just found your blog. It's very cute and I love your outlook on blogging. lol