November-- Oak Mountain with Holly, Randy,
& Reid

We enjoyed a beautiful Fall day at Oak Mountain a few weeks ago. Tate (18mo) and Reid (19mo) love being outside and playing together.
Tate is now 18 months old and we are having so much fun with her. Jason and I seem to say every couple of months that this is our favorite age and then we seem to feel the same way all over again as she grows and changes.
Tate loves to dance to any music playing whether it be
in the car, on TV, or mommy and daddy singing to her.
She is saying all kinds of cute new words, repeating and mimicking most anything we say. However one of her favorite words right now is "no" which can be difficult at times, but I must admit she sounds so cute saying it with her sweet voice.
Tate loves reading books together and enjoys saying her animal sounds as she sees them.
Tate loves her cousin Reid or "bubba" as she calls him. She made this nickname up all by herself and she gets so excited when she sees him.
She is also crazy about another man in her life....she loves her daddy and knows each evening when it is about time for daddy to be home she starts looking outside and saying daddy, daddy. Anytime we see a truck on the road similar to jason's she calls out daddy. No one can make her laugh quite like daddy can especially when he is tickling her!
All in all, we think Tate is pretty wonderful and we love our time watching her grow and learn and change so quickly. We now truly realize how time does pass so quickly and that helps us to appreciate the more challenging days and weeks. We are looking forward to spending Thanksgiving in Chattanooga this upcoming week....of course new pictures to follow soon.